Capacity building is about systematically investing in developing an organization‘s internal systems (for example its people, processes and infrastructure) as well as its external relationships (for example with customers, partners and shareholders) so that it can realize its mission and achieve greater impact.
Capacity building is not about building bureaucracy — it is about creating the organizational ability to achieve strategic objectives.
Capacity building is all about taking an organization to the next level of operational, programmatic, financial or organizational maturity, in order to fulfil its mission in a more effective and efficient manner.
Today industry leaders and organizational heads agree that effectiveness and impact are what matter, not the quantity of outputs or how replicable a program could be. Leaders recognize that there are many ways one can build its capacity to achieve greater impact. Capacity building can be — but is not necessarily — “exciting” and "innovative." And certainly it is not always about "scaling up." Even small organizations with modest budgets and much focused missions can emerge as high-performing, impactful organizations, given the will and the resources to do so.
Building the capacity of your company and assisting it to move on to the next phase of its organizational development is a challenge. It helps to identify the most pressing need of your organization.